Low Rider Bike was first introduced in the 1960s, this bike was first introduced by the "custom" king George Barris, before finding the low-rider bicycles Mr. King is his job is menceperkan car, It was Low Rider Car virus is endemic in among young Americans, but the trend can only be felt by young anak2 from rich families just because to make a low rider car requires no small amount of money, while anak2 from the lower classes could only gawk.
Seeing a situation like that the King got the idea by trying to build a bike that refers to the impression of low rider, for the first time the King's experiments apply to the bike. Start the King is introducing his creation of it can be guessed many anak2 from poor families move to create a low rider bicycle.
Seeing opportunity LR bike trend that began in gandrungi finally in 1963 the factory bike for the first time issued SCHWIIN new revolution model "New Cruiser Sting Ray, this model was made based on the motor model dragster models are popular at the moment the model is comfortable itu.Karena ride as well as a unique design, the model is a booming and many children - young children.
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